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Join date: May 31, 2022


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Joanna Ashwell (born in the UK). She has a BA Degree in English Language and Literature and a Post Grad in Creative Writing, specialising in Poetry. Her collections of published poetry include one collection of contemporary poetry (Flarestack Publishing), one haiku collection (Hub Editions), one tanka collection (KDP publishing on Amazon, ‘Every Star’) and Cherita collection (1-2-3 Press on Amazon ‘River Lanterns) and Cherita collection 'Moonset' available on Amazon.  She has won second prize in the Haiku Presence Award, has received an honorable mention in The Golden Haiku Awards, has won The British Haiku Society Award, and received various other mentions in international contests such as Autumn Moon and in the San Francisco Contest. She has also been on the Touchstone Award shortlist for individual haiku.  Her short form poetry of haiku, tanka, Haibun and Cherita appear widely both in print and online journals.  She resides in the North East of the UK. She is on the selection team for the Canadian Tanka journal Gusts.


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joanna ashwell

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