pic: bhavani
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a corner to share all your positive responses about this website!
Mark your entrance here, on this thread, with your remark! We would love to read them! Is THI user-friendly? Were you able to find your way easily? TEAM,
Triveni Haikai India
Many thanks to the Editors of haikuKATHA for including my
haiku in issue#35!
haikuKATHA, Issue 35, September 2024 LIST IS UP!
It's 10th and the list ...!!
HUGE Congratulations on being selected, dear poets.
The editorial team thanks you for sharing your poems in our various forums - HAIKUsutradhar, Tanka Take Home, The Haibun Gallery, thinkALONG and haikaiTALKS. A very huge 'thank you' to all our editors and hosts, who put in so much effort, time and expertise, month after month, to get haikuKATHA up on time!
Milind mulick's brilliant watercolour painting, Editor's Choice Commentary and another surprise segment added for the very first time. Look Watch out for the 22nd of September.
All of us need a loud applause 🌈
Thanks to Ashish, Vandana, Firdaus, and Vidya for preparing the haiku,…
It was such a surprise and an honor to see my tanka prose as Editors' Choice. Thank you so much team.
Congratulations everyone.
Such an honor to be included in this issue. Thank you Editorial Team and Kala. Really appreciate your efforts and the passion to create a great community.