triveni spotlight A FEATURE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY hosts: Anju Kishore and Mohua Maulik GUEST EDITOR: Anju Kishore
9th January 2025
triveni spotlight January 2025
Beyond Appearances
Arm in arm the mother leads her daughter to the piano where she takes her seat.
The piano sits mute until she gives it voice. Lucy is neurodivergent with few
words but her heart is a flower. Her fingers dust the silence with perfume. Lucy
plays a Chopin nocturne, her pigtails swinging as she continuously moves her
head from side to side. The notes rise feather-soft, firm as a swan’s breast, fall to
silence, then sound again.
running on water
the coot lifts off
Finger on finger was how she learnt to play. She laid her hands on top of her
teacher’s hands. Where he went, she followed.
mountain stream
the many phrases
of the thrush’s song
Florence Heyhoe
haikuKATHA Issue 18
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Warmest New Year wishes to all of you from Triveni Spotlight!
Though any day of the year is good to begin something new, the first day of the new year comes with a tinkle of celebration. No better day than this to do something new here on Spotlight.
Presenting a collection of uplifting haibun this month, each that speaks of hope, peace, joy or acceptance, all from the archives of haikuKATHA.
May 2025 be filled with all of the above for you, dear poets.
Anju Kishore
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Thank you for being our next guest editor, Anju. We look forward to an uplifting start to the new year.
_()_ triveni spotlight team
Such an inspiring teacher and an even more inspiring student. Great haibun! I love the prose. I love everything.
This is beautiful.