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triveni spotlight: 3rd July 2023

triveni spotlight A FEATURE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY! hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh GUEST EDITOR: Nandita Jain Mahajan, July 2023

again and again from my sickbed I ask ‘how deep is the snow’?

Masaoka Shiki The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse (1964)

rust on musk thistle ...

how long until

I’m more my illness

than myself

Robin Anna Smith Tanka Society of America Contest Winner 2022

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to present my selection. Though the task of selecting haiku for Triveni Spotlight was very difficult, I found it very rewarding. I spent several hours going through poems available in the public domain and those from books in my personal collection. I read and re-read, shortlisted again and again paring down the list till I could do no more. It was a sheer joy to read such fantastic works - my heart is full ... so happy.

I tried to keep the poems different from what other guest editors had selected earlier. However, there is bound to be some repetition. I found myself leaning towards old Japanese masters like Basho, Issa, Shiki, and Ryokan but equally drawn to women poets like Chiyo-ni and Rengetsu. The simplicity, charm, and timeless quality is what pull me to their haiku. What a picture they paint! And, the space between what is said and what is unsaid. So many different interpretations which helped me connect to these poems.

Amongst the contemporary poets, I found myself opting for those that tugged at my heart. The poems span longing, sadness, hopelessness, hope, love, and gentleness. These are those that I could read over and over again, especially at dusk, when my mind is quiet and at peace. And then, something interesting happened. I realised that I could pair the masters with the contemporary - similar thoughts and subjects but different treatment. I hope you enjoy this selection. Nandita Jain Mahajan

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What a unique and refreshing way of handling this month's triveni spotlight selections! Watch out for this space, every alternate day, dear readers, you are in for a real treat! Thank you, Nandita. We are waiting to see the month unfold. _()_

291 views18 comments

18 opmerkingen

04 jul. 2023

Lovely! Both the poems as well as this theme of pairing old with the new. Great idea, Nandita!

Reageren op

Thank you Sanjuktaa! I wasn‘t sure if the pairing would work well. It was a leap of faith by Kala 😁


Keith Evetts
Keith Evetts
03 jul. 2023

A fine pair; congratulations, Nandita — and authors.

Reageren op

Glad you liked them, Keith! Thank you.


Kavita Ratna
Kavita Ratna
03 jul. 2023

What a canvas! What a palette! Thank you so very much for these pairings....

Reageren op

Glad you like the pairing, Ratna!! Do stay for the duration- i hope you will find a few that resonate


Linda Papanicolaou
03 jul. 2023

That’s a beautiful pairing.

Reageren op

Thank you, Linda. so happy you liked it.


mona bedi
mona bedi
03 jul. 2023

These are so relatable. I too suffer from a chronic arthritis and this resonates so well.

Thanks for sharing 😊

Reageren op

Thanks for your message, Mona. Chronic ailments are so difficult - acceptance is important and at the same time pursuing happiness by reading and writing haiku as you do❤️

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