triveni spotlight A FEATURE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY! hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh guest editor: Jenny Ward Angyal
theme: Earthsongs
cobbled together
with birdsong—
the answer to prayers
comes in many forms
—David Terelinck
Slow Growing Ivy, 2014
cobbled together
with birdsong—
the answer to prayers
comes in many forms
—David Terelinck Most poignantly written. I particularly liked the two punctuation - most essential here. Ls 4 & 5 - elevates this tanka to a high note.
Loved L4 and L5
'the answers to prayers
comes in many forms'
I literally have this feeling but could'nt express as Jenny has done. Thank you so much to bring out such poems for us to comtemplate upon!
Beautiful poem with beautiful images!
What a lovely poem to wake up to this morning. No matter what sort of tasks the day ahead requires I always find the dawn chorus uplifting.