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open sky :: SAMVAAD | 24th December


hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Aparna Pathak

pale winter sky—

the honor student who never

raises his hand

- Paul David Mena

( Per Diem Daily Haiku, THF, January 11, 2022 )

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11 comentarios

27 dic 2023

Dear readers, here at open sky we try to bring you divergent voices and styles in haiku from poets who are well-known as well as those who may not be very high-profile, but brilliant at their crafts all the same. Thank you all for your appreciation and responses.

Paul David Mena says : It's definitely autobiographical, as I was very shy as a child, and even though I was a good student, I never raised my hand in the classroom!

His explanation is simple, but as Lakshmi Iyer says above, the story here is to be found in the relation between the phrase and the fragment.

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marilyn ashbaugh
marilyn ashbaugh
28 dic 2023
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Such a relatable ku and nice pairing of kigo. thank you and open sky team for sharing!

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Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
25 dic 2023

Lovely one.

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Paul Mena
Paul Mena
24 dic 2023

Thank you so much for the kind compliments! This haiku is autobiographical. I was a good student, but I was very shy. I never voluntarily answered questions in class. 😶

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Eavonka Ettinger
Eavonka Ettinger
28 dic 2023
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Yay! Wonderful to see you here. Please join in whenever you have the time, my friend.

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joanna ashwell
joanna ashwell
24 dic 2023

A wonderful haiku.

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lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
24 dic 2023

I loved the humility behind the achievements and yet the phrase says, 'pale winter sky', a nice image!

Somewhere there lives a story which reflects on the fragment. Thank you Team!

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