HAIKUsutradhar . weekly prompts
hosts: Akila G. & Shreya Narang
month of May: Marion Clarke
Picture Prompt . The Moody Sea
haikuKATHA - the monthly journal from Triveni Haikai India!
founder/managing editor: Kala Ramesh
associate editors:
Akila G. Ashish Narain
Firdaus Parvez
Madhuri Pillai
Priti Aisola
Shalini Pattabiraman
Shobhana Kumar Suraja Menon Roychowdhury Vandana Parashar
Haiku, senryu and haiga/shahai (photo haiku) posted here on this thread will be picked up for Triveni Haikai India's monthly journal - haikuKATHA. At the moment we are not looking at found poetry. ..................................................................................................... For some more exciting news! CHECK THESE LINKS ... Tanka, kyoka and tanka-prose to be posted on TANKA TAKE HOME and Haibun to be posted on THE HAIBUN GALLERY It will help you tremendously if you learn to comment on 'triveni spotlight' 'open sky :: SAMVAAD' and 'thinkALONG' Such good poems are posted. ........................................................................................................ The poems you post will also be considered for the haikuKATHA Monthly Journal from December 2021 onwards! Due to to the sudden increase in the activity, here are some quick guidelines, for all the three groups:
1. TWO poems per day.
2. For each poem you share, please comment on ONE other poem which isn't yours!
3. Post only your unpublished poems.
Poems previously published on your personal webpage or social media will be accepted.
Poems previously published in peer-reviewed or edited journals or anthologies as well as contest winners that were published elsewhere as such, will not be accepted.
4. IMPORTANT: if any member provides feedback on the poem in the comment section, it is the poet's duty to decide on the final version and post it on top of the original version.
Or else the original unedited version on your thread will be picked up by us.
On your comment thread you need to post your revised final version (if you have one!)
Edited version: Your final version of the poem goes first, so it will be easy for our team to consider that for the haikuKATHA journal.
Original version: Your first version of the poem remains - under your final version. The way it is shown here.
The Prompt
Seascapes are a wonderful source of inspiration for writers. It could be the turquoise, sparkling waters of a holiday beach, waves crashing on a rocky shore in winter, or the salty air and sounds of a bustling harbor. The beach is filled with sensual imagery: crying gulls, racing clouds, flapping kites, the savoring of a picnic, shrieks of excited children, the jingle of an ice cream van or call of a drinks vendor, sweet ice cream or candy floss/cotton candy melting on your tongue, a flask of hot coffee looking out at a stormy sea, the roughness of stones, gritty sand or shells crunching underfoot. You could listen to a soundtrack of waves and dream up a seascape in a haiku.
crying gull
the length
of this grief

Bell rock lighthouse
an up tick
in the artist’s brush
Bell rock light house
the sweep of
the artist’s brush
the bite
of your words
sand fleas
Thank you, Marion and Sangita!
beach glass
the range
of our moods
beach glass
the differences
between us
feedback appreciated!