hosts: Muskaan Ahuja, K.Ramesh
guest editor: Arvinder Kaur
Only the unpublished poems (that are never published on any social media platform/journals/anthologies) posted here for each prompt will be considered for Triveni Haikai India's monthly journal -- haikuKATHA, each month.
Poets are requested to post poems (haiku/senryu) that adhere to the prompts/exercises given.
Only 1 poem to be posted in 24 hours. Total 2 poems per poet are allowed each week (numbered 1,2). So, revise your poems till 'words obey your call'.
If a poet wants feedback, then the poet must mention 'feedback welcome' below each poem that is being posted.
Responses are usually a mixture of grain and chaff. The poet has to be discerning about what to take for the final version of the poem or the unedited version will be picked up for the journal.
The final version should be on top of the original version for selection.
Poetry is a serious business. Give you best attempt to feature in haikuKATHA !!
“Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.”
― Ray Bradbury
During our life's journey we learn and unlearn many things but we must realise
that learning to move on and going with the flow of life is something that all of us have thought about at one time or the other but find it an extremely arduous process. As said above we must learn to relax. How do you do that and have you really let go of something that you once held close to your heart?
between the sky
and the spin of the earth
this falling leaf
-- Laryalee Fraser
Thank you, dear Arvinder for contributing new prompts for the New Year!
in my balcony
a forsaken dove nest
autumn emptiness
Kalyanee Arandhara
Assam, India
Feedback most welcome
Feedback welcome
summer afternoon -
a crow watches
the tap drip
Gauri Dixit, India
Poem 1 - 31/01/25
Eliot’s Prufrock —
i write my will
Rupa Anand, New Delhi, India
feedback is welcome
I have come to this forum after ages. OMG - all the poems are so good. The images, the jux, if any, simply delightful. Learning to let go. . .