triveni spotlight
hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh
guest editor: Scott Mason
Theme: hand play
cloudy afternoon—
a chrysanthemum blooms
in the paper-folder’s hand
K. Ramesh
The Heron’s Nest
Vol. IV, No. 10 (October 2002)
All these poems were originally published in The Heron's Nest. I chose to confine my search there not just for the quality but also for the convenience of its online archive.
Guest Editor: Scott Mason
Lovely haiku
This is delightful.
L1 sets a rather dreary scene.
The next line brightens it with a bit of color - a lovely flower.
L3 delivers the surprise - that it is an origami flower, not the botanical I expected.
This one really makes me smile.
I like this haiku too.
K Ramesh writes great poems on experiences and this poem has multiple layers of actions. Thank you so much.
Liked the way 'a flower blooms in the paper-folder's hands'.