triveni spotlight
hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh
guest editor: Scott Mason
Theme: hand play
falling leaves
we exchange
the gesture to call
Aparna Pathak
The Heron’s Nest
Vol. XX, No. 4 (December 2018)
All these poems were originally published in The Heron's Nest. I chose to confine my search there not just for the quality but also for the convenience of its online archive.
Guest Editor: Scott Mason
falling leaves
we exchange
the gesture to call
---Aparna Pathak
What interests me most about this elegantly simple poem is it's juxtaposition:
falling leaves (our clocks are ticking)
call (let's share the moment before it's gone)
I am reminded of Issa's great haiku
the world of dew
is the world of dew,
and yet . . . and yet
The simple hand gesture adds visual texture to Pathak's poem. Thanks for posting this Scott.
Carpe diem, y'all!
Wow !! What a pleasant surprise !!
Thank you so much Scott !!
Thank you Kala and Teji !!
This haiku was inspired from an observation of two females (close friends perhaps), who were exchanging a "call me" gesture from their respective balconies. Since the day was bit windy, both the ladies were unable to talk directly and hence, decided to have chit chat on phone.
Same here! I hope Aparna gets here :)))
' we exchange the gesture to call'
I understood this in a very small way. If Aparna can explain in detail about these lines, it would be helpful. Thanks!