triveni spotlight A FEATURE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY! hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh GUEST EDITOR: Lakshmi Iyer June 2023
steeping tea
the time it takes to lose a street
to snow
Ben Gaa
The Heron's Nest: XV:2 ~ Editor's Choice ~ (2013)
Wishbones - Folded Word 2018
Hello readers,
There are moments of surprise in the poems hidden in between the time and space that breathes and echoes a voice of the universe. Unlock the door to the poem that stirs to startle you for a minute. Walk through them. Question the perception and resonate that with your experience. What makes you pause?
This month is going to be very interesting. Watch out for this space, every alternate day! Thank you, Lakshmi. We are waiting to see the month unfold. _()_
Very surprising ending, like a twist to a short story, and contemplative. I learnt a new word too "steeping" as English is not my mother tongue. Thank you Ben!
Thanks, Kala!
Thanks Lakshmi for selecting this poem. It’s one of my personal favorites.
It was written to capture exactly the moment contained within the poem. It was winter and I had just set the timer to steep my tea. As I waited it started to snow and during that time the world got covered and everything disappeared beneath a blanket of white.
The key feature of the piece is the long second line. It captures the passing time as tea steeps set up from line one. And then you snap back to the one word line 3 to learn what simple small thing has taken away the sight of the street.
Nice choice!
Thanks Triveni!
And thank you to Ben Gaa to share this poem.