triveni spotlight A FEATURE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY! hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh GUEST EDITOR: Ashish Narain
the fruit vendor
adjusts the lightbulb
Richa Sharma
Presence, Issue 70
This month is going to be a treat for our members. _()_ Thank you so much, Ashish.
Lovely and layered!
I like the mood this creates. One often sees a change-of-season poem and this haiku marks the passage of day to night with the concrete use of the lightbulb the fruit vendor uses to keep his stand open after the close of day. It implies for me that the fruit vendor works long hours, and that business goes on, perhaps well into the night.
Love this, Richa and Ashish.
There is such a strong feeling of tiredness, and slowing down in the ku. It demonstrates the power of showing not telling. :)
A nice observation leading g to an ace ku!