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triveni spotlight: 13 december

triveni spotlight A FEATURE EVERY ALTERNATE DAY! hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh GUEST EDITOR: K. Ramesh

hard egg

a chick refuses

to break open

Subir Ningthouja

14th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest, 2022

Note by the Editor

​Sometimes when we as haiku poets compose haiku there is a certain joy or happiness that we would experience after composing a haiku. The happiness could be due to various factors:

for example being available to register a moment and write a haiku or it could be because we found the right words and also a certain effortlessness involved in composing that haiku! This feeling is the gift we get for the haiku we have composed, and it keeps as going as a haiku poet! For the December Spotlight I wanted haijins to share such haiku!

-- K. Ramesh

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4 comentários

K. Ramesh
K. Ramesh
13 de dez. de 2022

There is a certain security in the 'known' world, yet at some point the chick will break open the shell because the unknown world is there to explore!


Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
13 de dez. de 2022

Lovely haiku, Subir. Congrats on your deserving win.


Subir Ningthouja
Subir Ningthouja
13 de dez. de 2022

Thanks so much to respected Editor K. Ramesh and Kalaji, Teji.

K. Ramesh
K. Ramesh
13 de dez. de 2022
Respondendo a

You are welcome, Subir!

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