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thinkALONG! 21st March


host: Muskaan Ahuja, Lakshmi Iyer

guest editor: R. Suresh Babu


“We grow up with dreams in our eyes and songs on our lips and we discover that life is not what we thought it would be. And then, we discover nostalgia.”

--- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Nostalgia is a feeling of an experience from the past. It is not just memories. It can be a longing for an experience from our childhood or a person from the past. Nostalgia also helps us to connect with our past and understand our present. Nostalgia gives comfort and happiness.

I would like you to write down a haiku/senryu about the memories of specific people or person from your life. The person may be your friend, grandparents or else a close relative.

Here's one for your inspiration:

wrapped in an old betel leaf --

grandma’s recipe

for stomach bite

--- R. Suresh Babu


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