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THE HAIBUN GALLERY: 23rd March '23 — a Thursday feature

Writer's picture: Firdaus ParvezFirdaus Parvez

Hosts: Firdaus Parvez and Kala Ramesh

poet of the month: Bob Lucky

23rd March, 2023


There's more than one way to skin a cat, my father would say. Sometimes he would say skunk. I never understood why anyone would ever want to skin a cat or a skunk, but that was how his mind worked. If he saw some skinny kid dripping wet out of the pond or river, he would say, he's as wet as a lizard. Everyone told him lizards weren't wet and slimy, but reality is a slippery thing, isn't it? In the summer, when I was running around half-naked and as bronzed as a god in some mythology, he would say, you're as brown as a berry. I remember pointing out once that if a berry were brown, that wasn't a good thing. He didn't care. He told me I wouldn't make a pimple on a real man's ass. He also told me to throw him in a ditch when he died. I don't think he meant it, but now I think I know what he meant.

first light chicken feathers in the grass

[KYSOFlash #10, fall 2018; Accidents of Light: KYSO Flash Anthology 5, 2019]

We had the pleasure of asking Bob a few questions and he graciously took the time to answer them. Here's the next. Great advice!


Kala: I came to know you first as an editor of contemporary haibun online, many years back.

What are the typical pitfalls with haibun submissions?

Bob: Let me count the ways. And there are many, but I’ll be brief. First, a lack of proofreading and revision is annoying. I often got the impression that some poets just (mis)typed their feelings about a squirrel that had eaten the bird feed straight into the email, and then slapped a haiku about their grandmother having to sip soup through a straw at the end. Second, there’s a tendency to believe that the truth and nothing but the truth is the way to great writing. Maybe it’s just me, but I think not. If a writer tells the reader everything, what reason does she have to keep reading? Give the reader something to do. Imagination is not the reserve of writers.

More about Bob:

Bob Lucky’s work has appeared in Rattle,MacQueen’s Quinterly, Otoliths, SurVision, Flash, Modern Haiku, The Other Bunny, Drifting Sands Haibun, Contemporary Haibun Online, Die Leere Mitte, and other journals.

His chapbook of haibun, tanka prose, and prose poems, Ethiopian Time (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2014), was an honorable mention in the Touchstone Book Awards. His chapbook Conversation Starters in a Language No One Speaks (SurVision Books, 2018) was a winner of the James Tate Poetry Prize in 2018. He is also the author most recently of a collection of prose poems, haibun, and senryu, My Thology: Not Always True But Always Truth (Cyberwit, 2019); and an e-chapbook, What I Say to You (, 2020).

He lives in Portugal.

Your Challenge:

I found this haibun really interesting (and funny). There are so many weird sayings in each culture that make absolutely no sense yet they're used and we 'get' the meaning. Your challenge is to include one such saying in your haibun. Let's have a little fun. Kala and I look forward to reading them. (You may also write outside of this challenge)

As always, a good haibun will find its way into the next issue of our fabulous journal. Kala and I are eagerly looking forward to reading your haibun.


1. Only two haibun per poet per prompt. Please put your name and country of residence under your poem, it makes the editors' work easier. Thanks.

2. Share your best-polished pieces.

3. Please do not post something in a hurry or something you have just written.

Let it simmer for a while.

4. When poets give suggestions and if you agree to them - post your final edited version on top of your original version.

5. Don't forget to give feedback on others' poems.

We are delighted to open the comment thread for you to share your unpublished haibun (within 300 words) to be considered for inclusion in the haikuKATHA monthly journal.


387 views84 comments


mona bedi
mona bedi
Apr 13, 2023

Post #1


Baja and Dholak were twins. They had identical white discoloured patches on their noses. Both grew up together in a lane where later my clinic came up. I never knew their age. When I shifted there, they were both grown ups. Both brothers hated each other. My favourite was Dholak. He was a big white giant of a dog with the heart of a baby.

Recently he went missing. After six days of constant search there was no news.I decided to contact the local NGO. The familiar voice on the other end said “Oh you don’t know? We found Dholak dead across the street two days back. I think he had a heart attack. We buried him…


Robert Kingston
Mar 27, 2023

One for the road

He is just seven years old, when encouraged to take on his first fundraising event.

This year, he is going to school with a different hat for each day of December.

It is not long before his target is met. Even so, he gets up and continues with a smile.

Christmas morning

barely enough jelly beans

to fill his hand

Bonnie J Scherer
Bonnie J Scherer
Mar 28, 2023
Replying to

Sweet little ku.


mona bedi
mona bedi
Mar 26, 2023

Post #2

Monkey business

“Taste this!” my aunt orders me. It’s Diwali and she has prepared a host of new dishes. Getting recipes from the neighbourhood aunties is her favourite past time. Not to say that not all her experiments are successful. Today is such a day. I carefully pick a spoon and take a bite of a mucky looking dish made of pumpkin. The moment I put it in my mouth, I gag and rush to spit it out. Once back, I see a red faced woman staring at me. “Bandar Kya Jaane Adrak Ka Swaad” she tells me.(What would a monkey know about the taste of ginger?)

I quietly finish the rest of the meal in silence.


mona bedi
mona bedi
Mar 27, 2023
Replying to

Thanks 😊 will mull over it!


Susan Burch
Mar 26, 2023


Thought Provoking

So by thinking about an angel on my roof, have I caused it to happen? Is there an invisible man with wings stuck on my roof & cursing me for putting him on guard duty? And would he actually help if there was a home invasion, or would he just laugh his ass off, thinking I deserved it?

getting undressed the snickers in my knickers

comments welcome

Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
Mar 29, 2023
Replying to

I love this, Susan.


Lorraine Haig
Mar 26, 2023


Blind truth

I finger the fabrics of the latest blouses and dresses for sale. And although a lot of water has passed under the bridge, I feel sure that the cargo pants in dusky pink will still look good around my backside. I try to fool myself that my figure is like the mannequin's in the shop window. Again, I consider those silky tops that drape over the pert breasts and the figure-hugging, red lamé dress. Finally, I succumb to the orange scarf draped around the neck of the dummy gazing blindly from behind the glass.

birthday wish –

to scuba dive

or abseil

(Thank you, Reid for your help)

Blind truth

I finger the fabrics of the latest…

Lorraine Haig
Mar 27, 2023
Replying to

Oh thank you Reid. I'll fix it.

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