hosts: Shalini Pattabiraman & G. Akila
14th April 2022
Afternoon Garden
For the time being, well past noon, God, I ask that you above all leave me alone, that I might just sit here in the leaf shade, beside the wall with its swallow-thrown shadows and the easy, unmended thoughts time affords me: these solid forms of pots, flush with zinnias, and the sun patch fading where the grass snake glides unknotted.
a hollow tree the beginning of dusk
— Previously published in Anthology of Days (Backwoods Broadsides, No. 70, 2002)
Michael McClintock
Some additional links to his work:
A very interesting haibun by Michael McClintock features here, do give it a read.
We are in the middle of spring. Flowers fill the meadows and paths everywhere. The sun is glorious and abundant. Write a haibun that captures spring.
We are delighted to open the comment thread for you to share your unpublished haibun (within 300 words) to be considered for inclusion in haikuKATHA monthly journal.
Wow beautiful! Each word so thoughtfully placed after another. Vivid, magical, inspiring!
Edited Version thanks to Kala's suggestions.
Spring is in the air, and in the garden, flowers. The pink roses on the gate trellis hang in abundant clusters and hordes of bees buzz around them. The dahlias—violet, yellow, red and lavender, bend their heads to hide in the leaves. The orange trumpet vine climbs the wall and its blossoms fill my eyes.
I sit on the cane swing.
Pigeons nest on the porch and squeakers can be heard over the breeze. The family of squirrels chittering, cavorting up and down the evergreen tree. The birdfeeder is almost empty and it's still early noon.
a grey feather
floats silently...
sunset years
I am still working on the and suggestions…
Kala the mantra of restraint, not to overplay, not to exaggerate in haibun noted. Great advice.
revision 1:1
News round
Mum was always first to rise. A stealth like shake on the shoulder would see the remaining sleepers continue without so much as a disturbed breath.
out sharp a brief cat lick sharpens the light
On time to hear the 6 a.m dock whistle, I weave through the pre and post war buildings, collect my round and make haste for the start.
barking dog I own the broken clock
Like most, my dog Max was a bitsa (mongrel). He would head off to search out anything that moved in the shadows. Always finding something, always being someone’s alarm call.
war mag I drag my feet through father’s youth
The papers…
Revision #2 thanks Neena😊
Happy Hour
The night holds a special place in my heart. It is the best part of a 24 hour day. With the world cocooned in their safety vaults, I have the darkness to myself. backyard hammock I travel to the moon
and back
Revision with inputs from Shalini and Diana:
Happy Hour
The night holds a special place in my heart. It is the best part of a 24 hour day. With the world cocooned in their safety vaults, I have the darkness to myself. backyard my hammock travels to the moon and back
Happy Hour The night holds a special place in my heart. It is the best part of a 24 hour day.…