SUBMISSION calendar | July 2023
hosts: Lakshmi Iyer & Teji Sethi
1. Haiga Online
2. Haikuniverse
3. Mainichi Daily News
4. Scarlet Dragonfly journal
5. Five Fleas Itchy Poetry
1. Nick Virgilio Haiku: Haiku in Action
2. The Haiku Foundation: Haiku Dialogue
3. Triveni Haikai India:
1. Failed Haiku
10 - 25th Every Month
2. haikuKATHA Monthly Journal Submissions: every previous month
(Check the weekly prompts)
3. The Haiku Foundation / Monthly Kukai
4. Poetry Pea
1- 15th Every Month
(From Jan 2023)
5. Stardust Haiku
1st -14th
6 The Take 5ive Journal
July 10 - July 14 : Theme - The plight of refugees
1. Acorn
July 1 - August 31| Fall Issue
2. Cattails
July 1- July 31 | October Issue/ Autumn
3. Under the Basho
March 1 - November 15, 2023
4. Frogpond
All of July | Autumn Issue
5. Hedgegrow
6. MacQueens Quinterly
July 7 - July 16
7. Modern haiku
Cut-off Date : July 15
8. Narrow Road : A Literary Journal
June 1 - July 15 | August Issue
9. tsuri-doro
July 1 - July 15 |Sep/Oct. 2023, Issue # 17
10. Seashores
July 31 | November Issue
11. The Mamba Journal
May 15 - August 15 | September Issue
1. Radmilla Bogojevic Haiku Award
July 15 ( shall get the details soon)
2. The Annual Haiku Society of America Haiku Award
in honour of Harold G. Henderson
June 1 - July 31
3. Gerald Brady Memorial Award for Senryu
June 1 - July 31
4. HSA Haibun Award
June 1 - July 31
5. The Ekphrastic Review : MacQueens Quinterly's First Anthology
Spread the word : Deadline - September 1, 2023
6. Morioka International Haiku Contest
August 31
7. Kusamakura Haiku Competition
August 31, 2023
8. Fujisan Tanka Award
September 20, 2023
9. Haiku International Association Contest
September 22, 2023
10. UHTS Samurai Haibun Competition ( doubtful of the year)
September 1 - Sep 30
11. indianKUKAI Voting
july 19 - July 26, 12 midnight (IST)
12. "Small Wonders" Haiku Contest
Excellent, Lakshmi.
You've added so much more this month.
Thank you so much. _()_
Take5 could be added. They have been inviting themed tanka submissions every month.