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open sky :: SAMVAAD |5th November

hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Aparna Pathak

switching to

a lower case i

autumn stars

- Matthew Markworth

(Modern Haiku, Volume 51.3, Autumn 2020

Republished on THF Touchstone Individual Poems Long List and Short List for 2020

Republished in New Resonance 12

Republished in Haiku 2021)

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Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
Nov 08, 2023

Most beautifully written


Nov 08, 2023

Thank you all for your comments. Here's what the poet says about the poem:

This poem was written during a period of my writing that I refer to as “Fragment + Phrase”, a technique that no doubt others have used. Essentially I would write a phrase either about a concrete event that happened in my everyday life or sometimes about a certain feeling. The phrase “switching to a lower case i” fell into both categories as it was written while literally switching my “I’s” to “i’s” when writing, and also stemming from a feeling of insignificance that most of us feel at some point. From there, the phrase was matched against many different fragment ideas to find which combination captured…

Nov 08, 2023
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I agree with you, Alfred!


lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
Nov 07, 2023

Nice One. Loved the word 'switching'. its like one switches the 'on and off' button when the time is ripe. Or the seasons automatically switches the inner cells to change.


mona bedi
mona bedi
Nov 06, 2023

Touches the soul!


joanna ashwell
joanna ashwell
Nov 05, 2023

Love this haiku, one to treasure.

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