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open sky :: SAMVAAD |26th November


hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Aparna Pathak

old love letters

the landfill sky

thick with gulls

- Dave Russo

( Frogpond XXVIII:2 2005 )

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29 de nov. de 2023

In haiku, old love letters are found in all shapes and sizes, so to speak and lead us down many untrodden paths. But taking the leap from old love letters to a landfill sky? Well, I never! This stunning juxt was what drew me to this poem. Hope many of you enjoyed it as much as we did. Thank you, Dave!

And now over to the poet for his backstory:

In my youth, I was part of a trash truck crew for the City of Salem, Virginia, USA. We collected household junk from the people in our town and dumped it in a landfill. Our truck often had to wait in line while the dump master decided where the next…

lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
03 de dez. de 2023
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joanna ashwell
joanna ashwell
26 de nov. de 2023

only ever

an oil spill

ink stars


Robert Kingston
26 de nov. de 2023

if it was i

breathing the odour

Id move away

26 de nov. de 2023
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Robert :D

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