hosts: Sanjuktaa Asopa & Vandana Parashar
drunk on snow melt
from your clavicles
wolf moon
---- Anita Curran Guenin
(Third Place, The LHA Haiku Contest 2016)
hosts: Sanjuktaa Asopa & Vandana Parashar
drunk on snow melt
from your clavicles
wolf moon
---- Anita Curran Guenin
(Third Place, The LHA Haiku Contest 2016)
It refers to the "bone-structure" of our local Laguna Mountain chain, how snow lingers in the hollows of its ridges.
lovely! An experience in few words. Thanks Billie for getting us closer to this haiku. Thanks Team!
I remember this beautifully wrought haiku, and its brilliant collarbone analogy. It refers to the "bone-structure" of our local Laguna Mountain chain, how snow lingers in the hollows of its ridges. The poem came about following a discussion we had about non-Japanese moon kigo. Wolf moon is the January full moon, and probably originated in Celtic mythology brought over to North America by English settlers.
Anita was a good friend of mine. She was the first non-founder member of Haiku San Diego; had a quick and nimble mind, became a solid haiku poet with just a few months of practice. My friend passed away in 2018 at age 80. I dearly miss her.
Clavicle is the collar bone (according to Google). I love the picture this poem paints!
it's a great hangover.., so pretty
thank you for sharing , dear Vandana