hosts: Sanjuktaa Asopa & Vandana Parashar
galaxies I'll never see
autumn leaves red-shifted
--- Eric Lohman
(Haiku Dialogue, 29th Dec 2021)
hosts: Sanjuktaa Asopa & Vandana Parashar
galaxies I'll never see
autumn leaves red-shifted
--- Eric Lohman
(Haiku Dialogue, 29th Dec 2021)
Vandana has come up with a wonderful analysis of this poem.
Eric shares-
This haiku comes from recent reports in science news about space telescopes such as Hubble, Spitzer and now James Webb, showing us ever-dimmer pictures of older and older galaxies, receding away from us at an ever increasing rate. Some have already receded so far, their light will never reach us. I related this to my own life, receding away from the future even as I plunge forward into it. There are future days I’ll never see and I become more and more aware of that fact the older I get. In that way, I am like an autumn leaf, which will not remain on the tree forever but will blaze out in its own “red-shift”. I hope…
Superb connection of two unrelated images, one astronomical and the other seasonal by a single common factor of red-shifting of galaxies and leaves observed by a keen poetic revealing insight.
This is such a wonderful autumn haiku…