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open sky :: SAMVAAD | 20th Nov

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

hosts: Sanjuktaa Asopa & Vandana Parashar

you you you

hey you ^ polyamory

---- Aaron Barry

(Trash Panda Haiku, Vol. 3, Summer 2022)

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13 Kommentare

Vandana Parashar
Vandana Parashar
26. Nov. 2022

Aaron shares-

The dating scene in the West is a bit of a strange beast, in that many young people find themselves navigating a romantic grey area where relationships aren't as concrete or defined as they used to be. Polyamory, in particular, has seen a massive surge in popularity over the last decade, with one report I saw even claiming there'd been a 15% increase in these types of relationships in the US over the last few years. Everyone seems to have a different term for it and a different spin on itethical non-monogamy or polyfidelity or just having funand I've even participated in this trend in my own way before. In that sense, this poem is an attempt at…

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lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
30. Nov. 2022
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Thank you!! So different poem and a serious issue.

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Disha Upadhyay
Disha Upadhyay
24. Nov. 2022

Wow, surprised! It is different, and intriguing. The first 'hey you' had my attention, felt like somebody was calling out the poet. I will be eagerly waiting for the backstory. Thank you for sharing it, Sanjuktaa and Vandana!

I also wanted to ask if this is a monoku? Many apologies, I am quite new to these concepts.

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20. Nov. 2022

I have known people who practised polyamory. Heard from them about the nature of simultaneity. It's mostly physical and time wise simultaneous. So, the you-s in the poem make sense to me. They probably refer to couples calling out to each other for whatever reason(s). Can't follow the ^. Not so far. Wish the poet would explain.

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30. Nov. 2022
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A carat (caret?) above the line, as in the present case, indicates a missing comma, semi-colon and such. The missing thing is shown below the symbol. A carat below the line could indicate a missing apostrophe. Sometimes, I have used a lambda turned around, left to right, to insert a word. I suppose then that in this case we know something is missing. But we need to supply it ourselves. It's a hIQ. 😀

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lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
20. Nov. 2022

Trying to figure out this. Maybe the gap is with a purpose.

The word 'polyamory' is new to me! And the meaning opens up our eyes!

If the poet can throw light on the gap.....

So many ways to write a haiku.

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lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
30. Nov. 2022
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Thanks Vandana and sorry i missed reading your post. Thanks for the timely reply.

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Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
19. Nov. 2022

This made me step back and look at the presentation! Very interesting.

Why is there so much gap between the lines, Vandana?

you you you

hey you ^ polyamory

Should it be like: you you you

hey you ^ polyamory


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Vandana Parashar
Vandana Parashar
20. Nov. 2022
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Aaron sent me pdf and word for of the format. I copied and it turned out like this.

I have made the edits now.

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