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open sky :: SAMVAAD | 15th October


hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Aparna Pathak

moving day ...

a forgotten box

of rain

- Mark E Brager

( Bones - March 2016)

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Aparna Pathak
Aparna Pathak
19 ต.ค. 2566

Beautiful poem . I think there is a wonderful juxtaposition here. While day is moving or perhaps poet is getting relocated to another place/ position the box still contains rain water which is stagnant. Stagnation leads to breading of mosquitoes and diseases. Change is always welcomed and provides a fresh beginning.


lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
17 ต.ค. 2566

Zooming out to zooming in and which goes to say true about the tearful farewell of all around you whilst farewell and which can never be held in our hands and which speaks about the journey of our lives on earth.

Is this mono no aware?


17 ต.ค. 2566

We don't have any backstory with this poem. Sometimes a poem doesn't need one either.

The poet would like to have you all interpret it in your own ways.


joanna ashwell
joanna ashwell
15 ต.ค. 2566



Marion Clarke
15 ต.ค. 2566

Love the sense of melancholy evoked in this!


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