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open sky :: SAMVAAD | 11th September

hosts: Sanjuktaa Asopa & Vandana Parashar

on the mend...

this long afternoon

stitched by swallows

--- Marion Clarke

(tinywords, Issue 17.1, 31 May 2017)

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Vandana Parashar
Vandana Parashar
18 de set. de 2022

Marion says-

On the mend was inspired by memories of sick days during childhood when I stayed off school. Once the illness had almost passed and I was “on the mend” I would soon get bored with bedrest. So my mother used to give me little craft projects to keep me occupied, such as stitching patchwork pieces together, or making a new dress for my doll. From my bedroom on the second floor of our house, I used to watch birds flying high above the shore of Carlingford Lough. Their rise and fall was calming, almost hypnotic, and seemed to mirror the action of the needle stitching the fabric together. The poem was written just five months after the death…


17 de set. de 2022

The beauty and serenity of a traditional haiku, with a phrase and fragment, is unmatched. At least to me.The image and the space that the L1 opens are a bonus.Thank you Marion Clarke and Vandana!


Kanjini Devi
Kanjini Devi
12 de set. de 2022

So beautiful - stitched by swallows!


Lorraine Haig
12 de set. de 2022

I love the transience as the afternoon slips away with the swallows.


Kala Ramesh
Kala Ramesh
11 de set. de 2022

Such rich resonance. Reminded me of Issa's haiku with 'stitching' the night or something like that.

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