hosts: Kashinath Karmakar, Neena Singh & Ravi Kiran
We conclude the edition of the indianKUKAI #38
76 Submissions came from 23 countries:
India, USA, Germany, Romania, Australia, New Zealand , Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy, England, Bangladesh, Scotland, Poland, Denmark, Japan, France, Greece, N. Ireland, Macedonia, Algeria, Trinidad, Algeria & Croatia.
theme: healing
The winner is * * * Mona Bedi * * * with 43 points!
pottery class
i embrace the broken
pieces of me
Mona Bedi Delhi, India
In the 2nd place is * * * Subir Ningthouja * * * with 35 points.
parched fields ...
raindrops gently close
the fissures
Subir Ningthouja Imphal, India
In the 3rd place is * * * Arvinder Kaur * * * with 21 points.
the touch of his lips
on my forehead
Arvinder Kaur
Chandigarh, India
CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners and our deep gratitude to all the poets for their warmhearted and enthusiastic participation in the submission and the voting.
We shall be mailing these beautiful certificates designed by Teji Sethi to the winners.
indianKUKAI Hosts: Kash, Neena & Ravi
Triveni Haikai India
Congratulations to all the winners!
The requirement of this indianKUKAI was containing the word 'healing'. I still feel sickness.
NOTICE BOARD: If you want to be published in our exclusive journal - haikuKATHA - please share your best haiku here:
The window for the August Issue #10 - closes on 2nd August!! Post asap!
Thanks so much to all the readers. Thanks a lot to the indianKUKAI team for carrying out a wonderful kukai. Congratulations to Mona, Arvinder and all the participants.