Host: Gauri Dixit
Prompter for December: Firdaus Parvez
1. To provide a new poetry workshop each Friday, along with a prompt.
2. To select haiku, senryu, and haiga each month for the journal, haikuKATHA. Each issue will select poems that were posted in this forum from the 3rd of the previous month to the 2nd of the current month.
1. Post a maximum of two verses per week, from Friday to Friday, numbered 1 & 2. Post only one haiku in a day, in 24 hours.
2. Only post unpublished verses --- nothing that has appeared in peer-reviewed or edited journals, anthologies, your webpage, social media, etc.
3. Only post original verses.
4. For each poem you post, comment on one other person’s poem.
5. Give feedback only to those poets who have requested it.
6. Do not post a variety of drafts, along with a request for readers to choose which they like most. Only one poem is to appear in each original post.
7. Post each revision, if you have any, above the original. The top version will be your submission to haikuKATHA. Do not delete the original post.
8. Do not submit found poetry or split sequences.
9. Do not post photos, except for haiga.
10. haikuKATHA will only consider haiga that showcase original artwork or photos. Post details re: the source of the visual image. If you team up with an artist or photographer, make sure that it’s their original work and that they are not restricted by other publications to share it. We won't be responsible for any copyright issues.
11. Put your name, followed by your country, below each poem, even after revisions.
Poems that do not follow the guidelines may be deleted.
Founder/Managing Editor of haikuKATHA Monthly Journal:
Kala Ramesh
Associate Editors: Ashish Narain Firdaus Parvez Priti Aisola Sanjuktaa Asopa Shalini Pattabiraman Suraja Menon Roychowdhury Vandana Parashar Vidya Shankar
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6th December
Firdaus Parvez
Prompt one:
The world is undergoing significant changes, with climates across the globe experiencing dramatic shifts—and we are the ones responsible. While the more apparent causes, like water, air, and soil pollution, are often discussed, there are other, less-highlighted factors that also impact us and are usually taken in stride. For instance, noise pollution. This week, let’s explore the theme of noise—what it means to you. It could be anything from blaring car horns to the grating squawk of a seagull or even to endless social media chatter. Yes, social media too—that noise undoubtedly wears out our brain cells even faster.
Here’s a YouTube video I thought might shed some more light on this. Write with noise in mind this week.
Looking forward to reading your haiku.
Write on! Gauri
near Ganga ...
over my thoughts
breezy waves
Devoshruti Mandal
Feedback appreciated!
Remembrance Day silence
the deafening shots
from a gun salute
Lori Kiefer, UK
feedback appreciated
feedback welcome
road diversion
the screeching brakes
of a school bus
Suraja Menon Roychowdhury, USA
The Touchstone and Red Moon Anthology selections are up.
Lets celebrate!
a hard conversation
in the coffee shop
useless ear plugs
Florence Heyhoe
Feedback welcomed