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HAIKUsutradhar: 17th November 2023 Lev Hart

HAIKUsutradhar. weekly prompts


17th November

Host: Kala Ramesh

Group Mentor: Lev Hart Prompter for November: Lev Hart

OUR MISSION: 1) To provide a new poetry workshop each Friday, along with a prompt.

2) To select haiku, senryu, and haiga each month for the journal, haikuKATHA. Each issue will select poems that were posted in this forum from the 3rd of the previous month to the 2nd of the current month.


A Quick Note: Starting with our October issue (issue 24), haikuKATHA will only consider haiga and tanka-art submissions that showcase your original artwork or photos. No more using stuff from free sites or AI-generated images, because we want you to boost your creativity!

But don't worry, we're all about collaboration. Because we know not everyone can draw or take great pictures. If you team up with an artist or photographer and we accept your work for publication, both of you will get credit for the masterpiece you've created. Make sure it’s their original work as well and they are not restricted by other publications to share them.

Just remember, it's on you to get permission from the artist/photographer before posting their stuff. We won't be responsible for any copyright issues. So, please keep these changes in mind. Have fun!

Important: Since we're swamped with submissions, and our editors are only human, mistakes can happen. Please, please, remember to put your name, followed by your country, below each poem, even after revisions. It helps our editors; they won't have to type it in, saving them from potential typos. Thanks a ton!

1. Post a maximum of two verses per week, from Friday to Friday, numbered 1 & 2. Post only one haiku in a day, in 24 hours.

2. Only post unpublished verses --- nothing that has appeared in peer-reviewed or edited journals, anthologies, your webpage, social media, etc.

3. Only post original verses.

4. For each poem you post, comment on one other person’s poem.

5. Give feedback only to those poets who have requested it.

6. Do not post a variety of drafts, along with a request for readers to choose which they like most. Only one poem is to appear in each original post.

7. Post each revision, if you have any, above the original. The top version will be your submission to haikuKATHA. Do not delete the original post.

8. Do not submit found poetry or split sequences.

9. Do not post photos, except for haiga.

10. With haiga, post details re: the source of the visual image.

Poems that do not follow the guidelines may be deleted.

Founder/Managing Editor of haikuKATHA Monthly Journal: Kala Ramesh

Associate Editors: Ashish Narain Firdaus Parvez Priti Aisola Sanjuktaa Asopa Shalini Pattabiraman Suraja Menon Roychowdhury Vandana Parashar Vidya Shankar ***


Week 3

In this verse by Buson, the fragment and the phrase are not comparable. Rather, one is set in contrast to the other:

A butterfly Asleep, perched Upon the temple bell. (trans. Blyth)

The small, light butterfly and the huge, heavy bell are opposites. Another haiku by Buson contrasts the beauty of an Iris with the hawk pooping on it. In other classic haiku, vast landscapes contrast with the tiny poet; or the noise outside a window, with the silence of the poet’s room. The relationship between the fragment and the phrase bridges the gap between them, but it is a unity of opposites, like yin and yang. The bridge is a juxtaposition based on contrast. This week I invite you to write haiku based on some contrast between the fragment and the phrase.

Waiting to read your poems.

Lev Hart


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Rita Melissano
Nov 23, 2023

N.2 11/23/23 feedback welcome

we walk on water

old cracks

a thousand kisses deep

Rita Melissano, USA

lev hart
lev hart
Nov 24, 2023
Replying to

L3 is a well-known lyric by Leonard Cohen. The convention in English-language haiku is to put a quote in italics:

we walk on water

old cracks

a thousand kisses deep

Otherwise, the line might be mistaken for theft of intellectual property.


Lori Kiefer
Lori Kiefer
Nov 23, 2023


23rd November 2023

autumn clouds

changing shape

a murmuration

Lori Kiefer

feedback appreciated


Refika Dedić
Refika Dedić
Nov 23, 2023



at war

only silence

and sound

Refika Dedić

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Refika Dedić
Refika Dedić
Nov 23, 2023


faces from the poster

they are suffocating

in ruins

Refika Dedić

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Sumitra  Kumar
Sumitra Kumar
Nov 23, 2023

#1 23/11/23

soft winds

caress the long night

we sleep awake

Sumitra Kumar


feedback welcome

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