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Muskaan Ahuja

Muskaan Ahuja

Born: India

Resides: Chandigarh

Muskaan Ahuja is a haijin who loves to enjoy good food, art, poetry, books, among other innocent pursuits. Whenever she feels an air of boredom, she immerses herself reading and writing Japanese forms of poetry, especially haiku. Out of more than 800 poems inspired by Japanese woodblock prints, her haiku was selected for the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, UK in 2019. Her poems have been published in reputed online and print journals like Frogpond, Failed Haiku, FemkuMag, Nick Virgilio Haiku Association, The Haiku Foundation, the cherita, and more. She even holds an honourable mention in THF Monthly Kukai.

haiku - cherita

temple visit-

the ants on the wall

returning with prasad

funeral service –

her off-white sari

so crisp

in silence

looking at

the full moon

unending thoughts


but not even one stays

white magnolia -

I am pulled


Publication credits:

“temple visit” Wales Haiku Journal, Spring 2020; “in silence” the cherita 3:3; “white magnolia” Asahi Haikuist Network, March 2020.

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