triveni spotlight
hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh
guest editor: Scott Mason
Theme: hand play
calloused hands
the carpenter smooths
his daughter’s gown
Robert Witmer
The Heron’s Nest
Vol. XV, No. 4 (December 2013)
All these poems were originally published in The Heron's Nest. I chose to confine my search there not just for the quality but also for the convenience of its online archive.
Guest Editor: Scott Mason
The love of a father. Touching.
such a tender, poignant image!
What a beautiful poem to end with, Scott. Thank you so much for this month's selection. The love parents have for their kids is most effectively brought out here. Most poignant.
'Calloused hands'
What an image!!
It just moved me. 'the carpenter smooths his daughter's gown'
Inspite of the disability (the hard skin) to do things correctly, how beautifully he makes an attempt to show his affection. So many layers of attitude, behaviour and mental grit.
Thank you Scott Mason!