triveni spotlight
hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh
last leaf …
what does it take
to let go
Akila G
a special edition of haiku in Muse India, 2016, edited by Kala Ramesh.
Note by the Editor
Sometimes when we as haiku poets compose haiku there is a certain joy or happiness that we would experience after composing a haiku. The happiness could be due to various factors:
for example being available to register a moment and write a haiku or it could be because we found the right words and also a certain effortlessness involved in composing that haiku! This feeling is the gift we get for the haiku we have composed, and it keeps as going as a haiku poet! For the December Spotlight I wanted haijins to share such haiku!
-- K. Ramesh
letting go -
the feather
flutters gently
Surrender …
is what it takes
to let go. . .
This haiku is profound!
So much to ponder over from this ku....
It is a very beautiful ku, Akila. I could understand the anguish and deeper layers in the ku. And if you ask this ku as question, you could get a variety of responses from different readers. Beautifully crafted :)