triveni spotlight
hosts: Teji Sethi and Kala Ramesh
guest editor: Billie Dee
Theme: Close Observation
touching you. . . the last persimmons of the season
Victor Ortiz Bellingham, Washington, USA Dee, Billie (ed). An Island of Egrets. Pasadena, CA: SCHSG Press, 2010.
I am pleased to submit the following selected poems from my personal "favorite haiku" list, one I've developed over the last 30 years or so. All have been approved by the authors; all include publication credits (except one from Patricia Machmiller which is unpublished); all are from the U.S. Pacific coastal rim (my region). I have chosen "close observation" as my theme, a guiding principle in my own writing, and a core element IMO for developing a Haiku Mind.
Billie Dee
p.s. Under-lined book titles have embedded links where a reader can go to purchase the book.
Sense of touch and smell!!
Ah, the last persimmons.. How one does savour the sensually soft pulp of these orange-red delights! Pure ecstasy as Victor has very simply pointed out _()_