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open sky :: SAMVAAD | 27th August

hosts : Sanjuktaa Asopa & Kashiana Singh

magnolia scent . . .

sunlight in the hairs

along my son’s ears

---- Paul Chambers

(First published in Gratitude in the Time of Covid-19: The Haiku Hecameron, ed. Scott Mason. Girasole Press. New York. 2020.)

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3 commentaires

30 août 2023

The lovely and gentle image in this poem has my heart.

I know this.

I have seen this.

It embodies the tenderness of parenthood so well.

Paul Chambers says:

The poem was written during the first covid-19 lockdown. With the vast majority of time with my young son spent in the house and garden during that time, I think it made me value the smaller moments in my life. The poem was written in late spring. A neighbouring magnolia tree was in bloom. As I was holding my son in my arms, the afternoon sun highlighted the blonde hairs running along the edge of his ear. There was very little contrivance between the two elements of the poem - its…

lakshmi iyer
lakshmi iyer
31 août 2023
En réponse à

Thanks for the beautiful write-up. And so lovely poem this is!


Lorraine Haig
27 août 2023

Karumi is what comes to mind when I read this. What a beautiful image this is.

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